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Noslēdzies projekts TURN-UP (Together and United to Raise kNOwledge on Union Policies).

file xWvQbiwej4Funded by EU

Projekta ietvaros 2023.gada maijā bijām patiesi lepni, sadarbībā ar Jūrmalas domi un Jūrmalas aktīvajiem jauniešiem, uzņemt starptautisko dalībnieku komandu, diskutēt, dalīties pieredzē un gūt citu valstu pieredzi par jauniešu aktivitātes veicināšanai, tai skaitā, jauniešu dalība dažādu līmeņu vēlēšanās.
Tiekamies nākamajos projektos!

EDS - TURN UP Latvia

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    The project « EU-IN: European Inclusion through Intercultural Dialogue » was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme "Europe for Citizens"

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    6 events have been carried out within this project:


    Event 1

    Participation: The event involved 43 citizens, including 4 participants from the city of Suhindol (Bulgaria), 2 participants from the city of Sofia (Bulgaria), 2 participants from the city of Baicoi (Romania),

    1 participants from the city of Skopje (North Macedonia), 1 participants from the city of Thessaloniki (Greece), 1 participants from the city of Granada (Spain), 1 participants from the city of Jurmala (Latvia), 1 participants from the city of Paris (France), 30 participants from the cities of Taurisano and Rome (Italy) Location / Dates: The event took place in ROME, ITALY, from 06/02/2020 to 08/02/2020

    Short description: The aim of the event was to officially launch the project at EU level, to spread information about EU Policies and Programmes concerning the inclusion of migrants and minorities group and to promote the European Solidarity Corps initiative.

    Event 2

    Participation: The event involved 41 citizens, including 3 participants from the city of Suhindol (Bulgaria), 5 participants from the city of Sofia (Bulgaria), 3 participants from the city of Baicoi (Romania),

    13 participants from the city of Skopje (North Macedonia), 4 participants from the city of Thessaloniki (Greece), 3 participants from the city of Granada (Spain), 3 participants from the city of Jurmala (Latvia), 3 participants from the city of Paris (France), 4 participants from the cities of Taurisano (Italy)

    Location / Dates: The event took place online, on 25 May 2021

    Short description: The aim of the event was to exchange best practices on the inclusion of marginalized groups in youth Civil Society Organizations and Sport Clubs, investigating the EU programmes and polices for supporting youth NGOs and Sport activities for inclusion.

    Event 3

    Participation: The event involved 86 citizens, including 3 participants from the city of Suhindol (Bulgaria), 2 participants from the city of Sofia (Bulgaria), 60 participants from the city of Baicoi and Bucharest (Romania), 0 participants from the city of Skopje (North Macedonia), 4 participants from the city of Thessaloniki (Greece), 3 participants from the city of Granada (Spain), 2 participants from the city of Jurmala (Latvia), 3 participants from the city of Paris (France), 9 participants from the cities of Taurisano (Italy)

    Location / Dates: The event took place in Bucharest, RO, from 07/03/2022 to 09/03/2022

    Short description: The aim of the meeting was to discuss and learn more about the EU Policies and Programmes for inclusion of Migrants and Minority groups (MMG) in schools and for promoting intercultural and societal engagement of young people. During this meeting, participants learnt from the local best practices and discuss with the staff members involved about its impact on M.M.G. in terms of inclusion.

    Moreover, each partner organization shareds its best practices about Inclusion of MMG in Schools.


    Event 4

    Participation: The event involved 133 citizens, including 4 participants from the city of Suhindol (Bulgaria), 9 participants from the city of Sofia (Bulgaria), 4 participants from the city of Baicoi and

    Bucharest (Romania), 4 participants from the city of Skopje (North Macedonia), 3 participants from the city of Thessaloniki (Greece), 4 participants from the city of Granada (Spain), 10 participants from the city of Jurmala (Latvia), 2 participants from the city of Paris (France), 93 participants from the cities of Taurisano and Lecce (Italy)

    Location / Dates: The event took place in Lecce, ITALY, from 05/04/2022 to 08/04/2022

    Short description: The aim of the meeting was to learn how to co-design public policies in the field of intercultural dialogue of inclusion of M.M.G. and how to use innovative tools (debate, porteur de parole, structured dialogue, Gamification, Art,...) for applying intercultural dialogue in every context.

    Event 5

    Participation: The event involved 76 citizens, including 4 participants from the city of Suhindol (Bulgaria),

    4 participants from the city of Baicoi (Romania), 53 participants from the city of Granada (Spain), 6 participants from the city of Jurmala (Latvia), 2 participants from the city of Paris (France), 7 participants from the cities of Taurisano (Italy)

    Location / Dates: The event took place in Granada, SPAIN, from 07/06/2022 to 09/06/2022

    Short description: The aim of the meeting was to exchange methods of inclusion carried out in schools with students of different nationalities and religions, in order to better understand how to facilitate the inclusion of foreign students in the classroom.

    Event 6

    Participation: The event involved 70 citizens, including 49 participants from the cities of Suhindol and Sodia (Bulgaria), 4 participants from the city of Baicoi and Bucharest (Romania), 2 participants from the city of Skopje (North Macedonia), 2 participants from the city of Thessaloniki (Greece), 4 participants from the city of Granada (Spain), 2 participants from the city of Jurmala (Latvia), 3 participants from the city of Paris (France), 4 participants from the cities of Taurisano (Italy)

    Location / Dates: The event took place in Suhindol and Sofia, Bulgaria, from 07/10/2022 to 10/10/2022 Short description: The aim of the meeting was to officially present the results of the "EU-IN” project, together with the EU-IN Toolkit (co-designing) and the official project website with all the downloadable contents related to international and local activities. There was also a space for discussing about the final reporting and administrative and financial rules.

    Form more information about EU-IN, please visit:



    YES (Young Europeans are in Solidarity) Slovākija , Košice 23.04-27.04.2022

    YES – Young Europeans are in Solidarity The event related to “YES - Young Europeans are in Solidarity” Project,started on 23rd April and held in Košice (SK), ended on the 27th of the same month. The project initiative was funded by the European Commission to the Hungarian Association Jövő Útja and is part of the “Europe for Citizens 2014-2020” program, “Town Twinning” action. The reason why the event was held in Slovakia is due to the fact that Jövő Útja represents a subsidiary organization of Via Carpatia EGTC (European Group for Territorial Cooperation), whose founding members are the Autonomous Region of Košice (SK) and the County of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén (HU): Jövő Útja fulfills the function of simplifying the processes between the two countries. The municipality of Arnòt (HU), the Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Organization (HU), the municipality of Gharghur (MT), the Balkanu Zieds Organization (LV), the SòJovem Organization (PT) and the Municipality of Gradoli (IT) participated in the event. YES has chosen to highlight and analyze the concept of youth Social Engagement, starting from the assumption that young people are considered the central protagonists of the European social context. Indeed, they represent the future of Europe and this is an issue on which the EU is particularly focused. The Project included two conferences: one dedicated to the initiatives undertaken locally by young people from the participating countries and one dedicated to European youth initiatives for young people themselves; 2022 is, in fact, the European year of youth. YES was born with the aim of stimulating social and youth engagement to cope with the spread of unemployment and promote the social inclusion of young people, and was achieved thanks to the knowledge relating to the EU decision-making process. In addition to achieving the expected results, the participants had the opportunity to discover the culture and traditions of the host country, as well as to learn about the policies and initiatives undertaken by local organizations, thanks to the interventions held during the aforementioned conferences by local experts and authorities. This guaranteed a direct exchange between the participating delegations, an exchange of ideas, comparison of objectives and good practices for the future of the European Union, especially post-pandemic. “Participating in this project was a very important opportunity for me and for the rest of my delegation, as it offered us the opportunity to open up to Europe, to interact with other communities and enhance our characteristics. Furthermore, thanks to YES I was able to discover the number and variety of initiatives that the European Union provides for us young people”. These are the words of one of the participants in the Project.

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    50550797 10214841830532716 4258068780988497920 o     Projekta iesniedzējs Viliševas pašvaldība (Polija). Partneri no 16 valstīm. No sākotnēji paredzētiem 26 partneriem, aktīvi projektā iesaistījās 20. Projekta pasākumi tika organizēti visās partnervalstīs (lokālie pasākumi) un sagatavotie ziņojumi par veiktajiem pasākumiem, rezultātiem, idejām nākotnei tika prezentēti 5 pasākumos Itālijā, Grieķijā, Maltā, Zviedrijā un noslēguma pasākums Polijā. Latviju pārstāvēja biedrība "Balkānu Zieds", iesaistot projekta pasākumos 48 dalībniekus vecumā no 16-40 gadiem, no kuriem 6 dalībniekiem bija iespēja apmeklēt arī kādu no partneru valstīs. Projekta galvenā ideja bija brīvprātīgā darba kustība, pieredzes apmaiņa starp valstīm un brīvprātīgā darba popularizēšana projekta partnervalstīs. Projekta pasākumi Latvijā norisinājās 3 diskusiju veidā, kurās dalībnieki tika iepazīstināti ar projekta ideju, norises gaitu, kā arī brīvprātīgā darba kustību Eiropā un Latvijā un iespējām aktīvi pašiem iesaistīties dažādos brīvprātīgajos darbos.

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